Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Good morning, Sunshine.

Lately I haven't been able to get to sleep. I've been trying to go to bed earlier because I have several morning classes where paying attention is critical. So, I finally decided to get some sleep aid, Unisom. I finished everything I was supposed to do last night earlier than I expected and thought it'd be the perfect night to try the pill. So I popped it around 9:50, saw the end of The Biggest Loser, saw the beginning of Law & Order SVU...and that's all folks! I probably fell asleep before 10:30. This morning I woke up at 7:30, 9 hours later, refreshed and alert. This is an amazing feat considering that I haven't seen the 7 o'clock hour in what seems like forever. I usually go to bed between 3am and 4am. So I'm excited to have the whole day ahead of me. I have made a plan for my day and hopefully I'll stick to it as best as I can. Just wanted to let y'all know that Unisom is on point.